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Writer's pictureKim Helm

Reshape Your Family’s Fitness Culture!


Kim Helm, The Kimtastic Life

Do you feel like it’s your family’s culture to barely make time and effort for physical exercise and activity? Your traditions, habits, and ways of living is a big part of your family’s culture! The foundation of your family’s activities (or lack thereof) can be reshaped to accommodate this ever changing world we live in...and it’s totally doable! Whether we like it or not, everything we do has an effect on someone. So scary, right? But, HOW AMAZING that we can be a positive influence on each other. If for no other reason, implementing a better way of healthy living as a family will not only strengthen your relationships, but reinforce your mental and physical selves to be better equipped when taking on life.

The statistics flying around out there are overwhelming. Holy cannoli. Even if some of them aren’t exact, it’s still flabbergasting to consider they might be remotely accurate. “Over 50% of mobile phone users in the US have downloaded at least one fitness app on their phone.” And yet, “less than 25% of US adults, and 1 in 4 children, are getting the recommended amount of physical activity per day.” Sheesk! You would think we are doomed for a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle. So why even fight it? BECAUSE we can CHANGE it!

We aren’t talking about an hour in the gym every day, nope. Be creative! There are 100s of activities to challenge the body without needing a single piece of equipment.

The number one hardest thing to actually put into practice consistently between parents, partners, and children is...drum roll, please….communication. But, remember, communication comes in many forms. Non-verbal communication in the form of gestures and bonding over shared activity has a huge influence. In fact, it’s a significant percentage of how we learn to love, trust, and lead.

So, if our family’s health and fitness is lacking, how do we revamp our family culture to improve it? Plan. Right now. Pick up your phone, send a text or an email, or send a cute little carrier pigeon. Whatever works. Schedule a family meeting, even if some members have to join virtually via FaceTime or video chat. Make it fun! Feel free to wear wigs like George Washington for some added zest and photo magic. The goal is to walk away with a plan. One family activity per day for 30 days. Oh yes, go for the gusto. Shoot, go bigger if you can! Repetition creates habit!

We aren’t talking about an hour in the gym every day, nope. Be creative! There are 100s of activities to challenge the body without needing a single piece of equipment. Almost any exercise can be toned down or up to make it easier or harder, so customize as needed to make it work for all involved. Do as many rounds as you can. Set a family goal and repeat some of the exercises during the 30 days to beat your previous record! Ideas:

  • Jump rope for five minutes, followed by sit-ups where you are facing a partner and every time you come up, you high five each other (make them meet you in the middle!). I’ve been known to high five the phone with live virtual totally works!

  • A walk around the neighborhood with no electronics after dinner, and toe taps on the curb every block for a count of 25 each foot.

  • Walking lunges, maybe carrying a gallon of water in each hand for an added challenge with the goal of everyone keeping the same pace at the same time!

  • Jump up and touch a tree limb that is slightly out of reach 15 times, followed by jogging backwards.

Let each member of the family get to pick an activity and timeframe till you have one for each day. Then, make a calendar and post it up in the house so you can cross it off every day. One rule. Everyone has to participate at the agreed upon time. Help each other succeed with positive words and encouragement; better yet, pics of pushing through TOGETHER! Get your neighbors involved!

Let’s do this! Yes, we are busy. No, it’s not always convenient. We know that making it happen is half the battle. We also know that we may not feel like doing it, but we certainly are glad we did after it’s done.We have opportunities every day for added value with our family by spending time together AND creating a habit of exercise and muscle growth.WE are capable.


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